Author, Writer, Reporter

Tag: nostalgia

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Reliving the Past Episode

I discuss why “reliving the past” is an impossibility, why attempts at it are more like reenactment, and how it affects human relationships.

Mountain Pass Podcast – The Final Fortress Episode

In the last episode recorded at my mountain home I reflect on the life lessons I’ve learned since buying the house.

The Double Edged Sword of Nostalgia

Why are some people nostalgic and others not? Tim Keefe and I discuss the various factors that contribute to a sense of nostalgia, or the lack thereof. Why are people hung up on the 1950s, or a random era?

TJ Martinell ยท The Double Edged Sword Of Nostalgia

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 35

I discuss:

– Winter in March
– I don’t care what John Wayne said that was “insensitive”
– Nostalgia is subversion
– Why physical proximity is so important for relationships

Direct MP3 download link.

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