Author, Writer, Reporter

Tag: Mountain Pass Podcast Page 1 of 5

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Safe Space Episode

I discuss the concept of “safe spaces,” what it actually means, why there are tons of fake, manufactured ones, and how the destruction of these spaces in favor of a longhouse-style space is the cause of many problems plaguing Western society and culture.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Batman Episode

I discuss the Batman mythology via the comic books/animated series/movies and raise an interesting question that really hasn’t been asked before regarding Bruce Wayne’s inability to move on from his parents’ murder, which has comparisons to George Bailey’s conundrum in “It’s A Wonderful Life.”

Show notes:

Batman: Animated Series

The Dark Knight Rises

Mask of the Phantasm

Perchance to Dream (I incorrectly called it Dreams to Dream in the podcast)

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The American Dream Episode

I discuss whether or not the American Dream is dead (kind of), how atomization has contributed to its downfall, and possible ways to create a new version of it for the up-and-coming generation (if they’re willing).

Referenced links:

Old Glory Club: Why We Must Always Remember The Alamo

Investopedia: The American Dream Now Costs $3.4 Million

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Real Man Episode

I chat about the “muh real men” online movement and my own thoughts on what makes a man “a real man.”

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Patron Episode

I discuss the right’s problem with constantly critiquing wokeism in entertainment while never promoting its own artists.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Extremely Online Episode

I tangent for 15 minutes discussing my new basement project, then explain why young men need to avoid extremely online groups and focus on meaningful activities in their 20s.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Self-Awareness Episode

In this episode I discuss the concept of self-awareness and how having it or lacking it affect people’s interactions and perceptions of reality.

Mountain Pass Podcast – The Meme Wars Episode

Mountain Pass Podcast

In this episode I discuss urban v. rural living, how technology enslaves as much as it liberates, Elon Musk’s trying to buy twitter, and why futuristic optimism is the way forward.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 64

Tim Keefe and I discuss writing, to what extent authors put themselves into their stories, and the future of fiction.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 62

I discuss finally watching the Joker film and why it’s a satire on the Batman mythology.

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