Author, Writer, Reporter

Tag: liberty

I’ll Be Brief – Entry #11

Much of life is an illusion. We perceive things to be a certain way because our limited perspective doesn’t provide full context.

Freedom is one of them. A person feels free only insofar as they feel capable of doing something without permission or external constraints. But like everything else, context can create an illusion.

Imagine two children growing up in the same household. One goes to bed early and rises early. The other is a night owl. The former won’t feel restricted by a strict curfew by their parents. The latter will feel controlled. But both are equally constrained.

Too many people think they’re free when they’re actually on a leash, however long or short. The illusion is maintained only as long as they remain within its length, or their master chooses not to pull on it. The illusion of freedom often makes one blind to the leash as it shortens.

New Essay: Live, Not Exist

I’ve published another new essay at Masculine Geek on the concept of living, not merely existing.

An excerpt:

If you’ve bought into this prepackaged narrative, every word, thought, and deed of yours is determined, censored, filtered, and restrained by the fear that somehow, in some way, it might negatively affect your advancement. You adopt a mindset in which you shut out any view or opinion worthwhile on anything. You stick to politically innocuous pastimes that are neither too exotic nor so peculiar as to risk social status.

Eventually, you become a lukewarm, tepid soul.

Read the whole thing here.

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